Night Diver

Night Diver


Night begins, the end of the day and you enter the water, and theadventure is in front of you…

The reef changes its face at night, day life changes to the night life, an old and familiar site becomes new to you, everything looks different at the end of the beam of the lantern.

Night dives are a unique experience that opens absolute different world to us from the one we are familiar with. Today’s dives let us open the door into a new and wonderful world… Did you think you saw everything? More amazing things are in your way!


The main contents of the course are:

  • Planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and dangers in night diving
  • Appropriate procedures for balancing control, navigation and communication
  • Use of diving flashlights and techniques for the pair method
  • Loss of orientation and emergency procedures
  • Familiarity with nocturnal animals

Additional information

The training is carried out according to the high standards of a diving organization and the certification can be used as one of the specializations required for the MASTER SCUBA DIVER.


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