


Freediving becomes popular sport around the world but what do you really know about freediving?
Freediving is unique sport that helps you to develop your body, to expand the opportunities during increasing time on the bottom and the depth, during control oxygen and explore the under water life without technical equipment…
Some people choose to do the course for getting deeper connection with the body and mind, some people do it to observe the under water life, and some people do it because of both reasons…

During the course student gives himself time to connect with the body, mind, gets to know the limits and face them, use the inner peace, increase abilities in mind and body control, increase trust in himself and much more…

Course included:

PADI basic freediving
During the one day basic course you will do theory class for getting more knowledge about freediving: introduction to the equipment, introduction to the sociology and phisyology problems of  free diving and face them with practicing, meditation, equalising, knowing the risks, hendel some under water situation. We get safer and more fun freediving experience that includes breath holding for more than 1:30 minutes (static apnea), and swimming 25 metres underwater (dynamic apnea)

PADI freediver
During two days course we will learn skills of the basic course and also with another theory classes and two diving sections how to freedive to the depth of 10-16 metres in fun, safe way and keep safe someone else who freedive to the depth…

Additional information:

During the courses students also will do professional yoga classes that is necessary for developing mind stillness and connection with the body while we warm up and stretch both…

To enter the course you need to be more than 16 years old and experience in swimming 300 meter with mask, snorkel and fins.

The PADI freediving instructor is Shahar 28 years old.
He started to do freediving since he was 7 years old, and started to do yoga at age of 22 and at the moment professional yoga and freediving instructor who believes very much in combination of freediving and yoga for getting the best results of using patience and attention…
We are waiting to see you in the water!

Shahar and Palma diving resort

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    Palma Diving Resort

    +972504888058 Rafi

    [email protected]

    Coral Beach, Shopping Center, Eilat

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