Advanced Open Water (Second Star)

Advanced Open Water (Second Star)


Advanced Open Water Diver Course is for divers with open water dives. The aim of this diving course is to improve diving abilities and ability to cope with various diving situations, to acquire additional knowledge, theoretical and practical knowledge, to develop thinking and decision-making abilities in relation to a given dive. This course is designed to improve the diver’s ability to make safe dives with a partner.

padi advanced open water diver course helps you increase your personal safety and improve your correct diving skills and habits so that you can be more relaxed in the water. This course is a great way to accumulate water time and improve your diving abilities. This course is based on what is learned in the open water course and develops new diving abilities by learning new situations and ways to solve new problems in order to enjoy as much as possible.

Course included:

For whom the course is suitable:

  • License for open water dives
  • Age 12 years for advanced open water diver young (maximum depth 20 meters)
  • Age 15 years for advanced open water diver
  • If there is a medical problem, a scuba doctor approval is required in writing (over the age of 45, a doctor’s certificate is required regardless of the health condition)

Course Structure:

  • 6 open water dives that each dive is diving a theme such as:
  • Deep dive, submerge diving, sea dive
  • Record balance dive, diving to an shipwerck

At the end of this course you can dive to a depth of 30 meters with a partner of the same rank without a guide or accompany an open water diver who has 12 dives recorded in the log to a depth of 18 meters.

Additional information:

Course duration: two to three days


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